
Monday, May 16, 2011

Grad. Reflections/"Broke" But Happy!

Hey yall! I'm fresh off the graduation stage! Pics will come soon. However, I have since been flooded with the dreaded question of:

So what's next? What are your plans?

-____- I literally just graduated! My plans are to eat, sleep, and be merry. However, everyone wants to know what I'm doing with my life. The truth is... I don't know. *gasps* I've always been the type of person that had their post-graduate life fully planned out, and then as "post-graduation" drew closer... those plans kind of fell apart.

So pair that feeling of disappointment with frequent questions asking about where I'm going in life, and you've got my face looking like (-__________-).

2 days after graduation and I have had at least 5 people say, So you're going to grad school, aren't you? Getting your Master's, right?

LOL but I really, LITERALLY just walked off the graduation stage. I know that that's the thing to do (go straight to grad. school). Trust me, I understand that a college degree is the new high school diploma, sadly. However, I just want to teach.  

Yes, a Master's will get me more money, but I'm quite content with my teacher's salary, to be the first year out of college (assuming that I get employment for the 2011-2012 year). I honestly love teaching. I love kids. I just love everything about teaching and every teaching experience that I've had. I'll never stop being a student and learning, but staying in school for 10 extra years in order to do it/merely to get a pain increase is just not the look I'm going for. Continuing my education is definitely in the future, but on my time, and when I find something that I can study because I'm truly just as passionate about it as teaching, and because I want to use it to help me be a better educator.

If you know me, you know my faith in God, and I truly believe that everything is up to God. I can do all I want to get money, but God is the one who ultimately decides and provides my needs, regardless of circumstances. My cup of blessings truly runneth over, and I'm by no means rich, but, my needs have always been met.

To all of those out there who just want to do what they're passionate about, take a leap out on faith and just do it! It sounds so cliche, but I'd rather be broke and completely happy with what I'm doing, than to be rich and miserable.

*wipes forehead* Thanks for letting me vent! lol


  1. Congrats on graduation!!

    Such a good lesson here. Do what makes you happy, do what you love, and God provides what you need.

  2. Congratulations! Yes, HE surely does provide. And as long as you keep that mindset you're rich beyond measure. I always tell others to go back to school on their on time, and when they feel ready to. What's the point of wasting time and money if you're not fully focused? Nada! You deserve to just breathe....relax, relate, and release :0)

  3. Awww look at my sorors! Congrats on graduating!

    && I sooooo agree! I'm in the same boat, I had post-grad plans and now, I'm just coasting. Jesus will [and has] take the wheel!
    I'm not ready to go to grad school yet either, I mean, the ink is barely dry on my degree [well, not even on it yet probably since graduation is saturday lol]
    I've definitely learned that what I'm passionate about is what I should pursue. Taking that leap of faith is/will be the best thing I do!
