
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Blogger

caution: this post is not natural-hair/beauty/culture related

Blogging has somehow taken over my life ever since we started Pretty Natural Divas in January 2010. It stressed me out like crazyyyyyyy when I was student teaching. I told my mom the other day that I needed to back way from blogging because once I start teaching, -__- Yall probably won't see or hear from me until holiday breaks.

When we interviewed Jane Carter, I remember asking her about her thoughts about blog and she said something along the lines of I appreciate those that blog because I know it's hard work and it's not as rewarding as people think. It can help businesses greatly, but for the blogger, there's not really any money in it. She's so rightttt. It's hard work. In fact, I probably don't go a day without thinking about this blog and its readers.

Over a day's time, the following thoughts probably come into my head at least 3 times... I'm not even exaggerating lol
  • "I should've taken a picture of that! I wonder if I can recreate that for the blog -__- "
  • "Today's a good hair day, but I don't think anyone will care about seeing what my hair looks like today. lol"
  • "This would be a goooooddddd post! I need a post it note to write this down!"
  • "Maybe we could do ______ series on the blog."
  • "This would be a good article to share on the blog."

LOL I can no longer read other people's blogs or articles without thinking about how to blog about them here or seeing if they'd be good to share on our FB page. I can't shop without thinking about sharing it on the blog. -__- lol I always find myself wanting to share everything via the blog, a video, FB, or Twitter with you all. I can't really even log onto a computer without checking all of our mediums to see if anyone has commented, check page, views, etc.

I've become a little obsessive compulsive with it. I even attempted to blog in my sleep today with one eye shut. I feel guilty when the blog goes "postless" for a day. For awhile, I felt bad not having at least 2 posts a day.

This has become my life which isn't a bad thing.. or a good thing. I really do enjoy it, so don't think I'm complaining! lol. So you can see why I talk about being stressed. I just wanted to let you know that I'm working on calming down... breathing a little bit more, and stepping away from computers/electronic devices. lol

SO 1) If you're thinking of starting a blog, just know that it can become more overwhelming then you expect. 2) If you frequent blogs often, appreciate the writers. It's a lot of work and committment.


  1. I definitely appreciate you guys.

  2. Whew, for a minute I thought you were going to say you were stepping down from blogging. Yes, it can be a LOT of work and I have the same thoughts often. Lol, I'm blogging at work, from my phone, my boo is even starting to complain that it is interfering with our relationship. But I love it and although I may have to pace myself more, become a little more organized and structured with it so that I won't get overwhelmed, I can't see myself giving it up anytime soon. It's a way to relish in what you're passionate about.

    Don't let it consume you though. When it starts interfering with real REAL life, (not that bloggers aren't real) but you know what I mean, then it may be time to re-evaluate and prioritize. This is what I had to tell myself. Your loyal readers (such as myself)won't be going anywhere.

    P.S. You'll be an exceptional teacher!


    I surely know this about ALL of the blogs I read & definitely appreciate all of the hard work you ladies put into blogging, vlogging, and keeping up with your web presence! <3
