
Sunday, April 17, 2011

How Do You Check Your Length?

So most of us naturals just know that you straighten your hair as a means to check your length. Well, I came across a post over on College Curlies and it got me thinking.

If you wear your hair curly 95% of the time, what would be the reasoning of seeing how long it is when it's straight? In actuality, your hair is a different length when you wear it so it doesn't help to know how long it is when it's straight lol.

I straighten my hair for length checks for the sake of knowing "Ok, you really do have hair". It's more of a psychological thing for myself, but then I get discouraged when I see the shrinkage. So from now, I'm going to gauge my length mostly by seeing how it is curly. My length that I want to achieve is actually dependent on wearing it curly. Like, I just want to be able to wear my hair in a curly-state bun. That's when I know I have arrived lol, so knowing how long my hair is straight doesn't help that lol.

What do you think? Has anyone else foregone the whole "straightening your hair for length check" process?


  1. I do think it's mostly a psychological thing when it comes to straightening ones hair for a length check. I think it helps reassure you that yes, your hair is growing because it may be harder to see in its curly state.

  2. I can see where she's coming from but I decided the next time I do a length check I'll leave my hair curly. I've seen lots of naturals on YouTube do it while their hair is wet so that's the way I'll do my next length check. If it works for me, great. If not, then I'll try something else. My short term hair goal is to use the least amount of heat as possible.

  3. I don't think it's necessary at all to straighten hair for a length check, you pull your wet curly hair to a stretched state to see length. Jenell has a good video here about when she straightened her hair to see her length and realized it wasn't necessary in her case.
