
Monday, August 20, 2012


Well folks. It's been a great run for "Pretty Natural Divas". This blog/company began in December of 2009 when Sierra and I were up one night joking around and decided to start a tshirt company that celebrated natural hair.

Almost 3 years late, we've sold countless items, seen over 400,000 views on this blog, wrote 900+ blog posts, made 100+ videos with collective view of 200,00+. We travelled to a natural hair show, been on the radio, chatted with CEOs of companys, etc. etc. etc.

Upon Sierra deciding to "leave the company" last year to pursue new opportunities and with me entering my career, the PND world drastically changed with more infrequent posts.

I held on with posting for the last year, but always felt bad for leaving you guys hanging. Every day I beat myself up for not posting!! Really- I just grew. I grew up and grew out of the PND persona. 3 years in the natural hair game and I was over always talking about hair and being hair obsessed. As my interests changed, I tried to find a way to balance posting about what always had the highest views (natural hair posts) and things that interested me most (teaching, Christianity, relationships, tv, etc.), but it didn't/doesn't seem worth it.

Blogging causes you to live a somewhat public life. People are always there commenting about your actions. In today's world of social media, you have to be on every type of social medium to stay relevant and keep folks interested. With the rise of blogs/social media, there are more and more people doing it, and it's almost as if the "market" is becoming oversaturated with the same topics and information.So I just grew, over it.

Blogging is just not where my head is at anymore folks. I've loved the many connections that I've made and the experiences from blogging and maybe it's something that I plan to do in the future, but I just can't see myself daily sharing all of my thoughts, actions, etc. with the world anymore. At first it was cool, now not so much. Blogging almost requires an overshare. I just can't anymore lol.

There's too much out there for me to always feel the need to be behind my computer replaying and narrating every life move and action. I just want to live life; most times with not reporting my every move and thought out to the world lol.

I've got a new boo with a new attitude; travelled the world a bit this summer and plan to travel more next year :) #POW and am just loving where God takes me and enjoying the ride. I'm truly in a different place than when I first began this blog.... I'm just... HAPPY!!! lol God has been soooooo good to me!

Follow me on Instagram (intellectualjj08) or follow me/my boards on Pinterest (

Maybe we'll meet again someday soon? It's been real folks, but this is Jameka signing off :)

Feel free to still view the blog, however, it will be taken down at the start of September!


  1. Good luck in your future en-devours! I've followed a couple of your pinterest boards :-)

  2. We have enjoyed you both. I wish you well. Enjoy life!
