
Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Testimony Tuesday: When Growth Becomes Stagnant

About a year or so ago, I made a conscious decision to get my life together spiritually. I've grown up in a Christian home and was saved at the age of 13, but allowed the influences of peers and school to pull my away from God.

To make a long story short, I finished my last semester of college from home, and was so excited to get back to my home church, revived, and ready to serve the Lord. I joined the choir and seeing as I went to college to become a teacher, I wanted to use that talent in God's house.

Last January, I began teaching the 4 and 5 year olds class at my church on Sunday mornings. I worked it out with another teacher, where we teach for 2 weeks and then have a 2 week break, which has been wonderful.

Until, my church began a new Wednesday night program that would require a multitude of workers. At the time, I felt like I again needed to use my talent and join this program. So I did. That was in September.

*cues me now* I.AM.EXHAUSTED. and have really felt convicted about the state of my spiritual growth. I go to church Sunday morning and evening, and Wednesday night, but my commitments in teaching at church have caused me rarely be in a church service because I'm always downstairs. It's almost to the point that I don't even enjoy teaching because I am truly exhausted. Though it was all done in good intentions, what started as a way for me to become more involved in my local church, has led to me becoming stagnant in my spirtual growth. Not to say that I have backslid, however, when you cease to grow spiritually, you begin to decline spiritually. There's really no such thing as standing still when it comes to spiritual growth.

I have stepped down from one of my teaching positions at church in order to allow me to be back in services more consistently to help me in my spirtual growth and I can't wait!!!!!

I encourage anyone who's in the same predicament to pray about it and really do what's necessary to ensure that you're growing spiritually! You can't be an example of spiritual growth to others through your ministry, when you have ceased to grow spiritually because of your ministry commitment!

It's not to say that stepping down will be permanent; I just need to make sure that I'm continuing to grow, in order to be the best Christian example to my students! Spiritual decline will cause you to fall in your Christian walk and cause you to walk right into sin!

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