
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kitchen Chronicles: Spinach Pizza

I randomly had a craving for spinach flatbread from Fridays, but decided I would make an alternative.

I was at the store and decided I could make Spinach Pizza. I googled 2 or 3 recipes and then decided on ingredients. Most recipes called for spinach, tomatoes, mozzarella cheese and a pizza crust.

I used:
2 cups organic spinach
3 cups of shredded mozzarella cheese
1 Pre-made pizza crust
1 can of petite diced tomatoes
1/2 cup milk
2 tablespoons of olive oil

First, I combined the spinach, milk, and cheese over heat until they made a sauce.

Next, I spread olive oil on the crust. I poured the saucy mixture on top of the crust. I spread the tomatoes on top of the sauce. Use salt and pepper sparingly.

I baked the pizza for about 25 minutes in the oven at a temperature of 350.

Overall it was tasty!!! I'll definitely continue to make it! My siblings ( ages 5 and 8) loved it too which is a plus!!! I may put down tomato sauce before pouring the spinach and cheese mixture though in the future.

Try it and let me know how it goes!!!!


  1. Looks great! I was just sitting here craving a Stromboli, so I decided as an alternative I'll make a ham, cheese, spinach quesadilla. Pretty much sub out the crust for a whole gran tortilla and heat it up on the stove top. win!

  2. That sounds INCREDIBLY tasty!!!!!! I am definitely going to try that; sans the ham probably since I've cut out meat from my diet.

    Can't wait to report back!! Thanks!
