
Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Kitchen Chronicles: Homemade Guacamole!

Ever since I tried guacamole back in January, I've been addicted!!! I get random cravings for it but don't like to have to run out to get any.

When we went to Mexico, I made my sister try it and she definitely dogged it lol. So we picked up some avocados during this week's grocery run.

TIP: You need RIPE avocados to get the texture. You can tell an avocado is ripe by slightly pressing on its skin. If you happen to buy avocados that aren't ripe and want to speed up the process, place them in a brown paper bag and leave them out for 1-2 days.

3 avocados
3/4 tablespoon lime juice
1 teaspoon lemon juice
Chopped onions and tomatoes, as desired. (You can use 2 tablespoons of store-bought salsa instead.)
Dash of salt and pepper

Peel avocados and remove pit. Mash in bowl until creamy texture. Add lime and lemon juice, onions, and tomatoes(or salsa). Stir. Add salt and pepper.

Serve with chips! Makes about 5 servings.

PS I LOVE "On The Border" tortilla chips. They can be purchased at Walmart!

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